The Effect of a Teaching Program on Knowledge and Behavior of Caregivers to Prevent Infection in Preschool-aged Children with Leukemia

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Penporn Yooyen
Wanida Sanasuttipun
Arunrat Srichantaranit


          Purpose: To examine the effects of a teaching program on knowledge and behavior of caregivers to prevent infection in preschool-aged children with leukemia.

          Design: A quasi-experimental design.

          Methods: The study sample was composed of caregivers of preschool-aged children with leukemia receiving chemotherapy and admitting in 4 tertiary public hospitals. The sample was divided into two groups: the experiment group (n = 16) receiving the infection prevention teaching program based on the learning theory of Gagné, Briggs and Wager, and the control group (n = 16) receiving routine nursing care. Data were collected using the caregiver’s knowledge and behavior questionnaires for infection prevention of children with leukemia. Descriptive statistics and ANCOVA were used for data analysis.

          Main findings: Caregivers in the experimental group had significantly higher knowledge score of infection prevention than those in the control group (F = 71.29, p < .05). In addition, caregivers in the experimental group also had significantly higher behavior score in infection prevention than those in the control group (F = 37.31, p < .05).

          Conclusion and recommendations: The infection prevention teaching program is effective in improving caregivers’ knowledge and behavior in infection prevention. This teaching program should be encouraged for routine use in nursing practice so that the preschool-aged children with leukemia will receive proper care at home and be secure from infection.

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How to Cite
Yooyen, P., Sanasuttipun, W., & Srichantaranit, A. (2019). The Effect of a Teaching Program on Knowledge and Behavior of Caregivers to Prevent Infection in Preschool-aged Children with Leukemia. Nursing Science Journal of Thailand, 37(4), 79–92. retrieved from
Research Papers


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