The Effect of Maternal-infant Interaction-promoting Program on Maternal Responsiveness and Maternal-infant Attachment in First-time Mothers

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Sudhathai Prasong
Nittaya Sinsuksai
Nanthana Thananowan
Pharuhas Chanprapaph


          Purpose: This research was designed to examine the effect of the maternal-infant interaction-promoting program on maternal responsiveness and maternal-infant attachment in first-time mothers.

          Design: Quasi-experimental research, the posttest only control group design.

          Methods: The sample was 51 dyads of healthy first-time mothers and their infants admitted to the postpartum unit at a university hospital in Bangkok. They were divided into the control and the experimental groups with 25 and 26 dyads in each group, respectively. The control group received only routine nursing care. The experimental group received routine nursing care and the maternal-infant interaction-promoting program. Data were collected by using the Personal Data Questionnaire, Maternal Infant Responsiveness Questionnaire, and Maternal Postnatal Attachment Questionnaire. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, independent t-test and Mann-Whitney U test.

          Main findings: The study results revealed that mothers in the experimental group had a significantly higher mean score of maternal responsiveness and maternal-infant attachment than those in the control group (Z = -5.878, p < .05 and t = -6.116, p < .05, respectively) at one month postpartum.

          Conclusion and recommendations: The maternal-infant interaction-promoting program during postpartum can enhance the mothers’ capability to understand infant cues. Therefore, they can be responsive to their infant’s behaviors, resulting in increasing maternal-infant attachment at one month postpartum. Therefore, nurses should be encouraged to use this program to teach new mothers about infant cues and how to response to their infant cues. Counseling should be provided to mothers who have a problem about reading the infant cues particularly during the first week after discharge from the hospital.

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How to Cite
Prasong, S. ., Sinsuksai, N. ., Thananowan, N., & Chanprapaph, P. . (2020). The Effect of Maternal-infant Interaction-promoting Program on Maternal Responsiveness and Maternal-infant Attachment in First-time Mothers. Nursing Science Journal of Thailand, 38(1), 60–72. retrieved from
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