Breast Massage for Breastfeeding Promotion and Problem Solving: Evidence-based Nursing Practice Evidence-based Nursing Practice

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Sasitara Nuampa
Pornnapa Tangsuksan
Vasana Jitima
Gahnyarak Nguycharoen


         Although the benefits of breastfeeding are commonly acknowledged worldwide, exclusive breastfeeding rate at six months in Thailand is still much lower than the national target and the global average. Common problems are caused by insufficient milk volume and breast-related problems, including breast pain, breast engorgement, mastitis, and plugged ducts. These problems can be the important reasons for early quitted breastfeeding. Breast massage, a low risk treatment, is an alternative method of promoting milk production and solving breast-related problems. According to literature review, the purposes of breast massage are to help promoting milk flow and volume and decreasing breast pain, breast engorgement, and plugged ducts symptoms. However, it cannot be concluded which method of breast massage is the most effective. For the clinical practice, breast massage and breast milk expression are temporary solutions; thus, nurse professionals should emphasize the prevention for breast-related problems via developing screening assessment for a high-risk case, providing breastfeeding knowledge and necessary skills, and highlighting effective suckling infants. Continuing follow up should be performed to promote the sustainability of breastfeeding.

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How to Cite
Nuampa, S., Tangsuksan, P. ., Jitima, V., & Nguycharoen, G. . (2020). Breast Massage for Breastfeeding Promotion and Problem Solving: Evidence-based Nursing Practice : Evidence-based Nursing Practice . Nursing Science Journal of Thailand, 38(3), 4–21. retrieved from
Scholarly Article
Author Biography

Sasitara Nuampa, Faculty of Nursing, Mahidol University

Department of Obstetric and Gynaecological Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Mahidol University


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