Effects of the Touch-to-Talk Program via a Tablet on Communication Effectiveness and Satisfaction in Intubated Patients A Pilot Study

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Jiraporn Klankhettakam
Pattama Surit


Purpose: To study the effects of the "Touch-to-Talk" program via a tablet on the communication effectiveness and satisfaction in intubated patients.

Design: A quasi-experimental study using one-group pretest–posttest design.

Methods: Participants comsisted of 10 intubated patients who were selected by simple random sampling from three medical semi-intensive care wards of a tertiary hospital. The participants were required to use the "Touch-to-Talk" program via a tablet to communicate with nurses for 24 hours. The research instruments consisted of 1) a demographic questionnaire, 2) a communication factors assessment form, 3) an effectiveness of communication scale, and 4) a satisfaction assessment form. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test.

Main findings: It was found that after receiving the program the participants had a mean score of communication effectiveness higher than before, comparing the mean scores of 9.2 (SD = 0.53) and 5.59 (SD = 1.74), respectively. The difference of mean scores of communication effectiveness was statistically significant (t = .01, p < .05). Moreover, the participants were highly satisfied with the program with a mean score of 4.53 (SD = 0.98).

Conclusion and recommendations: The results showed that the Touch-to-Talk program improved communication between intubated patients and healthcare providers. However, this is a pilot study; thus, a further experimental study using a larger sample size should be implemented.

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How to Cite
Klankhettakam, J. ., & Surit, P. . (2021). Effects of the Touch-to-Talk Program via a Tablet on Communication Effectiveness and Satisfaction in Intubated Patients: A Pilot Study. Nursing Science Journal of Thailand, 39(2), 24–35. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ns/article/view/242793
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