Effect of Line Dance Exercise on Physical Performance and Balance Ability in Older Adults

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Sasithorn Sukjit
Worrawut Thuwakum
Ketmanee Boonmuang
Kittisak Chomphu
Kantinan Ngampring


           Purpose: To examine the effects of line dance exercise program on physical performance and balance ability in older adults.

          Design: A quasi-experimental design.

          Methods: Participants were 42 older adults who volunteered for the study. Participants were divided into either a control group or an experimental group with 21 participants in each group. The experimental group was performed line dance exercise program while control group did not perform any exercise program. Demographic questionnaire was used and senior functional fitness test was implemented by monitoring such parameters as cardio respiratory fitness, muscular fitness, flexibility, balance and agility. The assessment was taken at baseline and 8 weeks after receiving the line dance exercise program. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and independent t-test.

          Main findings: Senior functional fitness test parameters in cardio respiratory fitness, muscle strength, balance and agility in the experiment group were significantly greater than the control group (p < .05). However, muscle endurance and flexibility were not significantly different between the study groups.

          Conclusion and recommendations: These finding revealed that line dance exercise program can improve functional fitness in older adults, especially balance during movement which may reduce risk of fall among the older adults. Therefore, line dance exercise should be recommended as an alternative form of physical activities for the older adults.

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How to Cite
Sukjit, S., Thuwakum, W. ., Boonmuang, K. ., Chomphu, K. ., & Ngampring, K. . (2021). Effect of Line Dance Exercise on Physical Performance and Balance Ability in Older Adults. Nursing Science Journal of Thailand, 39(4), 1–12. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ns/article/view/248079
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