Factors Influencing Unpleasant Symptoms in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation
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Purpose: To study the predictive power of sleep quality, malnutrition, knowledge of atrial fibrillation, and trust in the health team towards unpleasant symptoms in patients with atrial fibrillation.
Design: Correlational predictive design.
Methods: The sample consisted of 126 patients with diagnosis of atrial fibrillation who followed up at the outpatient clinic in a tertiary hospital. Data were collected using the personal data and illness history questionnaires, the Atrial Fibrillation Symptom and Burden questionnaire, the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, the Jessa Atrial Fibrillation Knowledge Questionnaire and the Wake Forest Physician Trust Scale. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and multiple linear regression, at significance level .05.
Main findings: Almost sample (98.4%) experienced at least one unpleasant symptom. The most common unpleasant symptoms were fatigue (87.3%), decreased ability to exercise intolerance (87.3%) and palpitations (68.3%). Sleep quality, malnutrition, knowledge of atrial fibrillation and trust in the health care team could together accounted for 18% of the variance explained in the unpleasant symptoms of patients with atrial fibrillation (adjusted R2 = .18) The significant influencing factors on unpleasant symptoms in patients with atrial fibrillation were sleep quality (β = .324, p < .001), trust in the health care team (β = - .217, p < .01), and knowledge of atrial fibrillation (β = - 170, p < .05).
Conclusion and recommendations: Sleep quality, trust in the health care team and knowledge of atrial fibrillation can affect the unpleasant symptoms in patients with atrial fibrillation. The health care team should assess sleep quality of patients with atrial fibrillation and promote trust in the health care team as well as educate patients about knowledge of atrial fibrillation so that they can monitor on abnormal symptoms by themselves and help reduce the unpleasant symptoms of atrial fibrillation.
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