Predictive Factors of Self-management Behavior among Type 1 Diabetes Adolescents

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Supansa Kwansomkid
Wanida Sanasuttipun
Apawan Nookong


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the predictive ability of health literacy, intrinsic motivation, and depression on self-management behavior among type 1 diabetes adolescents.

Design: Correlational predictive design.

Methods: The study sample included 113 patients, aged between 13-18 years, who attended Child and Adolescent Diabetes Clinics in three tertiary care public hospitals. The subjects were recruited by convenience sampling. Data were collected using questionnaires: demographic data questionnaire, self-management of type 1 diabetes for adolescents questionnaire, health literacy of type 1 diabetes adolescents questionnaire, intrinsic motivation for diabetes management questionnaire, and children’s depression inventory. Data were analyzed by multiple linear regression.

Main findings: According to the findings, health literacy, intrinsic motivation and depression could jointly explain 13% - 48% of the variances in five aspects of self-management behavior among type 1 diabetes adolescents. Depression could significantly predict all five aspects among type 1 diabetes adolescents while intrinsic motivation could significantly predict only three aspects. Interestingly, depression could not predict any aspects of self-management behavior.

Conclusion and recommendations: The health literacy and intrinsic motivation can significantly predict self-management behavior among type 1 diabetes adolescents. Therefore, healthcare team should develop program to promote health literacy and intrinsic motivation of type 1 diabetes adolescents in order to increase more appropriate self-management behavior of these adolescents.

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How to Cite
Kwansomkid, S., Sanasuttipun, W., & Nookong, A. (2022). Predictive Factors of Self-management Behavior among Type 1 Diabetes Adolescents. Nursing Science Journal of Thailand, 41(1), 27–43. retrieved from
Research Papers


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