The Effects of Flipped Classroom with Jeopardy Game-based Learning on Nursing Students’ Learning and In-Class Behaviors in a Fundamental Nursing Course

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Nantakarn Maneejak
Saowaluck Sukkapathanasrikul
Wanrudee Chaoayachai
Patsamon Khumtaveeporn


Purpose: To compare in-class behaviors scores, post-test scores and individual assignment scores between nursing students participating in the flipped classroom with asking questions and the flipped classroom with Jeopardy game during studying the Fundamental Nursing Course.

Design: Descriptive comparative study design via secondary data analysis.

Methods: The students in academic year 2018 were taught using the flipped classroom with asking questions and those in academic year 2019 using the flipped classroom with Jeopardy game. Systematic random sampling was conducted to obtain data of 20 students per group, a total of 40 students. Comparison of in-class behaviors scores, post-test scores and individual assignment scores between two groups were analyzed using Mann- Whitney U test.

Main findings: The in-class behaviors scores of the flipped classroom with Jeopardy game group were higher than that of the flipped classroom with asking questions group (p < .05). The post-test scores and the individual assignment scores of two groups did not differ.

Conclusion and recommendations: The teaching and learning of nursing in the flipped classroom with Jeopardy game helps students to learn through activities and social interactions resulting in better in-class behaviors. Both teaching and learning methods are encouraged to use in class rather than using merely lecture method. For further study, the retention of students' knowledge should also be assessed.

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How to Cite
Maneejak, N. ., Sukkapathanasrikul, S. ., Chaoayachai, W. ., & Khumtaveeporn, P. . (2022). The Effects of Flipped Classroom with Jeopardy Game-based Learning on Nursing Students’ Learning and In-Class Behaviors in a Fundamental Nursing Course. Nursing Science Journal of Thailand, 40(3), 105–119. retrieved from
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