The Effect of Breast Compression with Warm Moist Cloth on the First Milk Secretion among Primiparous Mothers with Cesarean Section

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Piengploy Pinyapirom
Nittaya Sinsuksai
Wanna Phahuwatanakorn


Purpose: To study the effect of breast compression using warm moist cloth on the first secretion of breast milk in cesarean mothers with the first-born child in postpartum unit.

Design: A randomized control trial.

Methods: Primiparous cesarean section mother and her first-born child were randomized to the experimental or a control group with the following inclusion criteria: having intention to breastfeeding, pre-pregnancy BMI 18.5-24.9 kg/m2, normal breast and nipple, no disease related to milk production and milk secretion, healthy mother and the child. Participants were 30 mother-child dyads in each group. The experimental group received warm moist cloth compression along with routine nursing care, while the control group received only routine nursing care. Both groups were expressed breast milk every 2-3 hours or when they felt like milk coming. An independent t test was used to compare mean of milk secretion times.

Main findings: The experimental group had a mean time of the first milk secretion 30.89 hours after giving birth, the control group had 40.90 hours. Therefore, the mean time of onset of milk secretion in the experimental group was significantly earlier than those of the control group (t = -5.49; p < .001).

Conclusion and recommendations: The compression of breast with warm moist cloth can stimulate milk secretion to come earlier than usual among primiparous postpartum mother with cesarean section. However, the warm moist cloth should be further improved of heat retention; and a further study of the impact of frequency and duration of using the warm moist cloth on milk secretion should be examined.

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How to Cite
Pinyapirom, P., Sinsuksai, N., & Phahuwatanakorn, W. (2023). The Effect of Breast Compression with Warm Moist Cloth on the First Milk Secretion among Primiparous Mothers with Cesarean Section. Nursing Science Journal of Thailand, 41(2), 93–104. retrieved from
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