Experience of Adolescent Mothers with Childrearing and Studying in Non-formal Education

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Benyapa Thitimapong
Janpaphat Kruehaew
Sununta Yongwanichsetha


The objective of this research was to describe the experience of adolescent mothers with childrearing and studying in non-formal education. The descriptive hermeneutic phenomenological approach was used in the study. Twenties adolescent mothers were selected by purposive sampling with inclusion criteria of looking after their first child and studying in non-formal education simultaneously for more than two months. Their children were healthy babies aged two months to two years old in Songkhla Province, Thailand. In-depth interview was used for data collection, and the data were analyzed by using Colaizzi’s method.

The study revealed that the experience of adolescent mothers during childrearing and studying in non-formal education was “feeling tried but being happy”. Their expressions were classified into three categories 1) feeling tired but being able to get through, 2) having good experiences, and 3) having their life goals.

This study provides a guideline in caring for adolescent mothers who are pregnant while studying. Nurses and healthcare providers can use the findings to inform, advise, promote and support these mothers to continue their education or return to educational system after giving birth. In addition, the findings can be used to guide a policy to support a service in order to respond on the basic needs of school-age mothers.

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How to Cite
Thitimapong, B., Kruehaew, J., & Yongwanichsetha, S. (2017). Experience of Adolescent Mothers with Childrearing and Studying in Non-formal Education. Journal of Research in Nursing-Midwifery and Health Sciences, 37(3), 37–47. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/nur-psu/article/view/100421
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