Thai Traditional Midwifery Care

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Janpaphat Kruekaew
Sureeporn Kritcharoen


Thai traditional midwifery care involves knowledge of holistic health care and wisdom of Thai ancestors. This traditional knowledge and wisdom have been preserved from generation to generation, aimed at caring for pregnant women and their babies from the antenatal to postpartum periods in normal process. The caring principles of the antenatal period are dietary care behavior care and Thai massage. The objectives of this care are to prevent complications during labor and encourage a comfortable pregnancy. In terms of the intrapartum period, the purpose of Thai traditional midwifery is to encourage pregnant women to give birth at home and belief practice for new life. Furthermore, Thai massage is used to decrease some pain and fatigue from the antepartum to postpartum care periods. After delivery, a series of Thai wisdom knowledge is applied to mothers, for example, heat therapy and massage in order to keep their newborn and themselves healthy. Heat therapy is employed since it is believed that heat would provide short-term and long-term benefits for women’s health. Some of the benefits include eliminating lochia from the uterus and vaginal canal, reducing pain during sexual intercourse, and reducing roughness of facial skin, slackening abdominal surface cause by delivery and lack of moisture in the vaginal area, as well as low immunity.

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How to Cite
Kruekaew, J., & Kritcharoen, S. (2018). Thai Traditional Midwifery Care. Journal of Research in Nursing-Midwifery and Health Sciences, 38(1), 103–110. retrieved from


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