Executive Function Training Programs for Stroke Patients with Cognitive Impairment: Literature Review

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Sukanya Thongbupa
Siriluck Kaewsriwong


Cognitive impairment is an important problem in ischemic stroke patients. The impairment affects
the physical and psychological not only of the patients but also the caregivers, family members. It is the
economic burden of society and country. Cognitive function is an essential component based for learning,
performing basic life skills and rehabilitating after the stroke. Cognitive rehabilitation should be early initiation,
otherwise, it will progress to be as post stroke dementia. Among the post stroke cognitive impairment, the
executive function is mostly important. It is the higher cognitive process controlling both of the basic and
advanced cognitive activities including decision making, planning, management, problem solving and expressing
the appropriate behavior to the situation or environment. Thus, the executive function training after stroke is
very essential for higher level of cognitive functioning. From the clinical problem and the literature review,
the author found that the executive training programs aimed to enhance the post stroke cognitive function
were beneficial and individually suitable for each patient. However, there was limited information from the
studies in Thailand. This review will provide more information for nurses and heath care team about the
appropriately executive training program to improve the cognitive function after stroke in order to have the
quality of life among the ischemic stroke patients.

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How to Cite
Thongbupa, S., & Kaewsriwong, S. (2018). Executive Function Training Programs for Stroke Patients with Cognitive Impairment: Literature Review. Journal of Research in Nursing-Midwifery and Health Sciences, 38(2), 124–131. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/nur-psu/article/view/131994


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