Pender’s Health Promotion Model and Its Applications in Nursing Practice

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Chuleekorn Danyuthasilpe


Pender’s health promotion model is a conceptual framework which provides for the explaining and
predicting of health promoting behaviors. This model combines with nursing and behavioral science perspectives,
and emphasizes various factors which influence the health behaviors of persons and enhancing methods to
motivate persons to engage in health-promoting behaviors. The major conceptual components to consider
regarding the model include 1) individual characteristics and experiences 2) behavior-specific cognitions and
affect and 3) behavioral outcomes. The first two components are related to and influence the behavioral
outcomes of persons, which are health-promoting behaviors. The nursing roles in the health promotion model
influence behavioral change in persons which involve raising consciousness related to health-promoting
behaviors, promoting self-efficacy, enhancing benefits of behavior change, modifying the environment to support
health promotion practices, and managing barriers to behavior change. The nursing process is a framework that
was applied for assessing various factors related health-promoting behaviors, identifying nursing diagnosis and
planning to assist persons to improve their capacity to act for behavioral change, implementing health promotion
practices to fulfill the goals for the enhancement of health, and evaluating the planned interventions.

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How to Cite
Danyuthasilpe, C. (2018). Pender’s Health Promotion Model and Its Applications in Nursing Practice. Journal of Research in Nursing-Midwifery and Health Sciences, 38(2), 132–141. retrieved from


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