The Implementation of the Project of Reducing Teenage Pregnancy in Four Municipalities of Songkhla: A Case Study The Implementation of the Project of Reducing Teenage Pregnancy

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Shutiwan Purinthrapibal
Pimpisa Saksorngmuang
Punyapa Rungpitarangsee
Kanokwan Hounsri
Phechnoy Singchongchai


      This study aimed to explore the characteristics and imprementation of the project of reducing teenage pregnancy in four municipalities of Songkhla. The 45 participants were included into this study by purposively voluntary sampling technique. They were administrators, personnel, community and student volunteers, teenagers and parents. Data collection techniques included in-depth interview, focus group discussion, observation and documentation. Content analysis method was used to analyze the data.

    The result showed that the project comprised of five core characteristics. There are 1) underpinning by concept of sexuality education, 2) having three target groups: personnel, volunteers, and teenagers and their parents; 3) using community-based type, 4) focusing on skill development; and 5) applying three strategies multi-leveled (participation, networking, and capacity building). In addition, the project implementation which is setting-based revealed in three differences. There are systematic approach that presented in the large-sized municipality, problem approach that presented in the medium-sized municipality and activity approache that presented in the medium and small-sized municipalities. Using different approach to operate project in settings seem to be influenced by the setting contexts such as organizational, situational and cummunity contexts. The abilities of project coordinators may also significant to operating approach in setting.

        The study findings indicate that community-based project for teenage pregnancy requires an integration of concepts, contents, design, and methods that appropriated to setting contexts and organizational structure.

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How to Cite
Purinthrapibal, S., Saksorngmuang, P., Rungpitarangsee, P., Hounsri, K., & Singchongchai, P. (2018). The Implementation of the Project of Reducing Teenage Pregnancy in Four Municipalities of Songkhla: A Case Study: The Implementation of the Project of Reducing Teenage Pregnancy. Journal of Research in Nursing-Midwifery and Health Sciences, 38(2), 20–32. retrieved from
Original Articles


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