Anemia and Nurses’ Roles in Anemia Management Among Pre-dialysis of Chronic Kidney Disease Patients

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Anucha Taiwong
Kanyapat Baothong
Alisa Supsung


Anemia is a major complication during the pre-dialysis stage of chronic kidney disease. It is an
important factor in increasing the severity in the progression of the disease, the risks of cardiovascular
complications, as well as affecting the quality of life. This article aims to review knowledge regarding anemia
among pre-dialysis chronic kidney disease patients. The content covers the definitions, incidents, causes,
consequences and nurses’ roles in the management of anemia among pre-dialysis chronic kidney disease
patients. This comprises 1) evaluation, screening, and referral, 2) provision of knowledge/recommendations
in self-care to patients and 3) proper use of medications, in order to encourage patients to preform suitable
self-care, reach a hemoglobin level according to their goal and enhance their quality of life.

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How to Cite
Taiwong, A., Baothong, K., & Supsung, A. (2018). Anemia and Nurses’ Roles in Anemia Management Among Pre-dialysis of Chronic Kidney Disease Patients. Journal of Research in Nursing-Midwifery and Health Sciences, 38(2), 149–157. retrieved from


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