The Effect of Knowledge Provision on Perceived Self-Efficacy in Psychotic Screening of Village Health Volunteers

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Kornwika Buatchum
Tippa Chetchaovalit
Wilawan Christraksa
Patitta Soonsim
Sawinee Chanrat


This one group pretest-posttest design aimed to study the effect of knowledge provision on perceived self-efficacy in psychotic screening of village health volunteers (VHVs). The sample was 33 VHVs at Khlong Hae village, using purposive sampling. The VHVs were educated for 5 hours about psychotic, attitude toward psychotic patients, VHVs’s roles and functions, as well as psychotic screening. The data collection tools were demographic data form and the perceived self-efficacy in psychotic screening. The outcome of the study was immediately measured after knowledge provision. The data were analyzed using percentage,mean, standard deviation and paired t-test

The result showed that most of VHVs were female (93.9%), the working time of the VHVs were ≤ 10 years (51.5%), had experienced in training course in caring for psychiatric patients (60.6%), did not have experience in caring for psychotic patients (42.4%). After receiving knowledge, VHVs had higher mean score of perceived self-efficacy than before attending this training statistically significant at 0.001. Therefore, the result illustrated that this education could enhance the perceived self-efficacy in psychotic screening of VHVs.

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How to Cite
Buatchum, K., Chetchaovalit, T., Christraksa, W., Soonsim, P., & Chanrat, S. (2018). The Effect of Knowledge Provision on Perceived Self-Efficacy in Psychotic Screening of Village Health Volunteers. Journal of Research in Nursing-Midwifery and Health Sciences, 38(2), 33–42. retrieved from
Original Articles


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