Health Promoting Behavior in Pregnancy

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Kanjana Srisawad


The research objectives were to study the health promoting behavior in pregnancy, to compare their
health promoting behavior in each quarter of trimester, and to do Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) of
them. There were 500 samples of primigravidarum, attending antenatal care at Sirindhorn Hospital who were
selected by multi-stage random sampling. The research tools were demographic questionnaire and health
promoting behavior in pregnancy measures. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, one way-ANOVA
and Confirmation Factor Analysis. The research found that; 1) the average level of health promoting behavior
in pregnancy overall was 3.82 2) their health promoting behavior in each quarter of trimester were no
significant difference, and 3) their Confirmatory Factor Analysis showed chi-square=1.977, df=6, p-value=
.922; the value of c2was no statistically different from zero, RMSEA= .000 and RMR= .002, which was
closer to 0, GFI= .999, and CFI= .995, which closed to 1 and c2/ df=329, which less than 2, it meant this
model was consistent with the empirical data.

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How to Cite
Srisawad, K. (2018). Health Promoting Behavior in Pregnancy. Journal of Research in Nursing-Midwifery and Health Sciences, 38(2), 95–109. retrieved from
Original Articles


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