Relationship Between Health Beliefs and Accessibility to Health Services for Non-Communicable Diseases Among the Five Southern Border Provinces, Thailand.

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Sarinda Puti


     This descriptive research aimed to study the non-communicable disease situation and relationship between health beliefs and accessibility to health services of the five southern border provinces. The study comprised of two phases. Phase I is a conceptual development phase where 30 participants were purposive sampling who were administrators and health official staffs in each of the five southern border provinces. The research instruments were questionnaires developed by the researcher and the content validity was evaluated by 3 experts, with an IOC value 0.8. Data were collected in July 2017 via group discussion. The data were analyzed by using content analysis method to create the conceptual framework and questionnaire. Phase II is the survey of the non-communicable diseases situation, health beliefs, and accessibility to health services. In total 2000 samples were taken using the stratified random method. The research instruments were questionnaires developed from the conceptual framework in Phase I, with reliability 0.8. Data were collected during September to November 2017 by trained local research assistants. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, percentage, mean and standard deviation. Relationships among variables were tested with the statistics of the Chi-square test.
     The first phase of the study found that the conceptual framework was the belief in health behavior, service of public health officials, and health services system. The second phase found that the major noncommunicable diseases were hypertension (30.0%), diabetes (9.7%), heart disease (6.00%), and cancer (0.2%) respectively. Perception of severity and risk of hypertension, diabetes, and religious beliefs correlated with accessibility to health services at the significant level of 0.05. Therefore, the public health official should raise awareness of perceived seriousness, susceptibility, cause, and impact of non-communicable diseases using cultural or traditional language and encourage participation from religious organizations.

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How to Cite
Puti, S. (2018). Relationship Between Health Beliefs and Accessibility to Health Services for Non-Communicable Diseases Among the Five Southern Border Provinces, Thailand. Journal of Research in Nursing-Midwifery and Health Sciences, 38(4), 114–127. retrieved from
Research Articles


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