Effects of the Leader Training Program on Communication, Decision Making, and Leadership Skills Among Adolescents with HIV/AIDS

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Ampaiwan Boonkaewwan
Busakorn Punthmatharith
Wantanee Wiroonpanich


Training adolescents with HIV/AIDS to be a training leader is very important because adolescentsTraining adolescents with HIV/AIDS to be a training leader is very important because adolescentscan speak easily with an open mind to get access in their group. A quasi-experimental, one-group, pretest-posttest design was used to examine the effects of the leader training program on communication, decisionmaking, and leadership skills among adolescents with HIV/AIDS. Purposive sampling was performed torecruit 10 adolescents with HIV/AIDS at a HIV/AIDS clinic in a southern regional hospital in Thailand.They received the training program developed by the researcher based on the integrated concepts of leadershipskills, social development of adolescents, and influence of peer groups. It consisted of a relationship activity,encouragement of leader power, communication skills, decision making skills, and using a social network site.The program was facilitated by the researcher for 3 days via face-to-face and social network (Facebook).The data were collected before and after receiving the leader training program using: 1) the demographicdata questionnaire, 2) communication skills questionnaire, 3) decision-making skills questionnaire, and 4)leadership skills questionnaire. The program and modified questionnaire 2 were validated by three experts.The questionnaires 2-4 were back translated by four experts. The reliabilities of the questionnaires 2-4 wereexamined, yielding Cronbach’s alpha coefficients .89, .88, and .81, respectively. Data were analyzed usingdescriptive statistics and paired t-test.

The results revealed that the mean scores of the communication skills, the decision-making skills,and the leadership skills of adolescents after training were significantly higher than those of before training(p< .001). All the leaders’ skills of the adolescent leaders were excellent after training. Thus, nurses probablycan use this program to train adolescents with HIV/AIDS to be effective leaders.

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How to Cite
Boonkaewwan, A., Punthmatharith, B., & Wiroonpanich, W. (2019). Effects of the Leader Training Program on Communication, Decision Making, and Leadership Skills Among Adolescents with HIV/AIDS. Journal of Research in Nursing-Midwifery and Health Sciences, 39(1), 1–12. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/nur-psu/article/view/181290
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