Knowledge and Attitude about Breastfeeding of the Member of the Baby and Mom Club in Sungmen District, Phrae Province

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Sukritta Suankaew
Sivaporn Aungwattana
Jiranan Wongsuwan


The research objectives were to study the knowledge and attitude about breastfeeding. The samples were 61 members of an on-line group called Sungmen Baby and Mom club, Sungmen hospital, Phrae Province who were selected by accidental sampling. The instrument used in data collection was an online questionnaire designed to gather information regarding knowledge and attitude towards breastfeeding. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics.

The research found that the participants reported: 1) a high level of overall knowledge about breastfeeding (M=2.49, SD= .70), 2) a high level of overall attitude about breastfeeding (M=2.79, SD= .50), 3) a moderate level of the knowledge in the following item: 3.1) the mother’s ability to breastfeed, by those who have silicone breast implants, 3.2) the ability to produce maternal milk when the duration is longer, 3.3) breastfeeding when the mothers have diarrhea, 3.4) the nutrient of breast milk after the baby is 6 months old or more, 3.5) providing water after the baby is breastfed, and 4) a moderate level of attitude about the mother’s ability to produce milk.

Based on the research findings, a healthcare organization should provide the correct knowledge and stimulate positive attitude toward breastfeeding to by mothers, with the intention of promoting breastfeeding behavior.

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How to Cite
Suankaew, S., Aungwattana, S. ., & Wongsuwan, J. (2019). Knowledge and Attitude about Breastfeeding of the Member of the Baby and Mom Club in Sungmen District, Phrae Province. Journal of Research in Nursing-Midwifery and Health Sciences, 39(1), 116–127. retrieved from
Original Articles


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