End-of-Life-Care Program for Enhancing Good Death Among Cancer Patients: A literature review

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Waraporn Onanong
Yaowarat Matchim


The proposes of this article were to present and discuss end-of-life-care programs for enhancing good death among cancer patients. Research articles were retrieved from the following database: CINAHL Plus with Full text, Sciences Direct, ProQuest, Pub med and Wiley from 2007-2017. Keywords used in searching included cancer patients OR oncology patients OR patients with cancer AND palliative care program OR end of life program OR effective palliative care program AND good death OR quality of death. Only the articles related to end-of-life care program among cancer patients were selected for the analysis (n=7). The findings found there were 7 concepts/models used for developing the programs. These concepts included: 1) chronic care model, 2) case management, 3) self-management, 4 empowerments, 5) symptom management, 6) psychotherapeutic therapy, and 7) communication guide. Program activities included symptom management for relieving pain and uncomfortable symptoms, empowerment, communication for alleviating anxiety and depression, and follow-up via telephone calls. The program last from for 30-60 minutes each time; the program duration lasts from 2 months to 6 months. The effects of the programs were reported in terms of relieving symptoms and promoting quality of life in physical, psychological and spiritual aspects. These programs can be used in clinics for enhancing good death in end-of-life care.

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How to Cite
Onanong, W., & Matchim, Y. (2019). End-of-Life-Care Program for Enhancing Good Death Among Cancer Patients: A literature review. Journal of Research in Nursing-Midwifery and Health Sciences, 39(1), 158–169. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/nur-psu/article/view/181326


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