[RETRACTED ARTICLE] Nursing Students’ and Novice Nurses’ Caring Behaviors Toward Care for End-of-life Patients and Related Factors
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This article has been retracted at the request of the Editor-in-Chief.
This descriptive research aimed to examine: 1) the level of caring behaviors among fourth-year nursing students and novice nurses, and 2) the relationships between palliative care knowledge, self-directed learning readiness, preparedness in caring for end-of-life patients, attitude toward death and dying, and caring behaviors toward care for end-of-life patients. Instruments used for data collection included 1) a demographic data form, 2) the Palliative Care Quiz for Nurses (PCQN), 3) the Nurses’ Caring Behaviors for Dying Patients Questionnaire (NCBDPQ), 4) the Nurses’ Attitude toward Death and Dying Questionnaire, 5) the Self-Directed Learning Readiness Questionnaire, and 6) the Preparedness in Caring for Patients at the End of Life Questionnaire. Data were collected from 81 fourth-year nursing students and 56 alumni novice nurses with 1 year’s work experience, Faculty of Nursing, Thammasat University. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and the Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient. This descriptive research aimed to examine: 1) the level of caring behaviors among fourth-year nursing students and novice nurses, and 2) the relationships between palliative care knowledge, self-directed learning readiness, preparedness in caring for end-of-life patients, attitude toward death and dying, and caring behaviors toward care for end-of-life patients. Instruments used for data collection included 1) a demographic data form, 2) the Palliative Care Quiz for Nurses (PCQN), 3) the Nurses’ Caring Behaviors for Dying Patients Questionnaire (NCBDPQ), 4) the Nurses’ Attitude toward Death and Dying Questionnaire, 5) the Self-Directed Learning Readiness Questionnaire, and 6) the Preparedness in Caring for Patients at the End of Life Questionnaire. Data were collected from 81 fourth-year nursing students and 56 alumni novice nurses with 1 year’s work experience, Faculty of Nursing, Thammasat University. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and the Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient.
Results show that the fourth-year nursing students and novice nurses have moderate levels of caring behaviors while providing care for end-of-life patients. Palliative care knowledge, self-directed learning readiness, and preparedness in caring for end-of-life patients were positively correlated with participants’ caring behaviors (r= .208, p< .05; r= .233, p< .01; r= .40, p< .01, respectively). Attitude toward death and dying was not correlated with caring behaviors (r= .012, p> .05)
These results provide useful information for the development of teaching strategies to enhance nursing students and novice nurses’ caring behaviors when providing care for end-of-life patients.
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