Effectiveness of Continuous Labor Support from Village Health Volunteers on Pain and Duration of Labor Among Primiparous Women

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Sureeporn Kritcharoen
Pranee Pongpaiboon
Kanjanee Phon-In
Warangkana Chatchawet
Preeya Keawpimon
Supap Maksuwan


This quasai-experimental research aimed to compare the level of pain and the duration of labor in phase 1 among parturients in experimental and control groups. The subjects were 60 primiparous women. They were divided into two groups: 30 in an experimental group and 30 in a control group. The experimental group received care from continuous labor support from village health volunteers. The visual analog scales and recording information about the duration of labor in phase 1 were used to collect the data. The data were analyzed by the descriptive statistics and independent t-test.

The results showed that the average score of the level of labor pain in phase 1, when the cervix opened 3-7 centimeters of the experimental group (M=7.27, SD=2.01) was less than those of the control group (M=8.59, SD=1.70) statistical signifcantly (t=2.744, p< .01). The level of labor pain in phase 1, when the cervix opened 8-10 centimeters of both groups was not different. (t=2.000, p> .05). The average score of the duration of labor in phase 1, cervix opened 3-10 centimeters of the experimental group was not different from the control group (t=1.136, p> .05).

This study suggested that continuous labor support is an efcient type of labor care for pain relief when the cervix opened 3-7 centimeters.

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How to Cite
Kritcharoen, S., Pongpaiboon, P., Phon-In, K., Chatchawet, W., Keawpimon, P., & Maksuwan, S. (2019). Effectiveness of Continuous Labor Support from Village Health Volunteers on Pain and Duration of Labor Among Primiparous Women. Journal of Research in Nursing-Midwifery and Health Sciences, 39(4), 16–25. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/nur-psu/article/view/233269
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