Pain Reduction in Aged Rubber Tapper with Knee Osteoarthritis

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Somrudee Poontong
Tanomsri Intanon


            Knee pain is an important health problem for the elderly. Especially, the elderly who still have to work in rubber tapper. This article aims to give professional nurses or public health officials who involve in health promotion understand the situation of the aged rubber tapper with knee osteoarthritis, understand principles for reducing knee pain, and apply self-care promotion methods to reduce knee pain in order
to increase work efficiency and the quality of life in aged rubber tapper. Problem analysis in aged rubber tapper with knee osteoarthritis showed the factors that enhance knee pain and severity are using inappropriate working postures and posture in daily life. These cause factor suffering both physical and mental, and also affect daily life. Although there are methods of knee pain reducing, prevention of knee pain is the best one. Therefore, adjusting the posture in daily activities and work related body position will reduce pressure on the knees. In addition, appropriate exercise strengthening the muscles around the knee and increase knee strength.

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How to Cite
Poontong, S. ., & Intanon, T. . (2020). Pain Reduction in Aged Rubber Tapper with Knee Osteoarthritis. Journal of Research in Nursing-Midwifery and Health Sciences, 40(1), 154–160. retrieved from


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