Development and Psychometric Evaluation of the Moral Commitment Scale for Thai Baccalaureate Nursing Students (MCS-Thai)

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Chutima Perngyai
Aranya Chaowalit
Tasanee Nasae
Joanne Kraenzel Scheider


          The aim of this study was to develop instrument and examine its psychometric properties of MCS-Thai. Mixed method was used in this study. Random samples of 809 baccalaureate nursing students in Thailand were participated. The 112 items with a 5 Likert-scale was processed to exploratory factor analysis. Principal components analysis with varimax rotation was performed. Content validity index of the MCS-Thai was examined by five experts. The item-level content validity index (I-CVI) ranged from 0.8-1.0. The scale content validity index with universal agreement (S-CVI/UA) was .90 and scale content validity index with average (S-CVI/Ave) was .92.
           The results revealed that MCS-Thai account for 47.7% of variance and factor loadings ranged from .45-.68. The results contained 6 factors 81 items comprising of: (1) respect patient’s privacy and keeping patient’s information confidential (22 items), (2) respect for patients (25 items), (3) providing care equally to each patient (9 items), (4) causing no harm to patients (12 items), (5) doing good for patients (8 items), and (6) telling the truth to patients and healthcare team (5 items). Findings supported internal consistency reliability, alpha coefficients ranged from .84 to .95 of each factor and total scale of .98. Hypothesis testing was supported construct validity (r=.54, p<.01) and test-retest method was supported stability reliability of the scale with high correlation (r=.77, p<.01). The MCS-Thai is a valid and reliable instrument for assessing moral commitment in nursing students for designing nursing curriculum and cultivating moral behavior to achieve high standard nursing care.

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How to Cite
Perngyai, C. ., Chaowalit, A. ., Nasae, T. ., & Kraenzel Scheider, J. . (2020). Development and Psychometric Evaluation of the Moral Commitment Scale for Thai Baccalaureate Nursing Students (MCS-Thai). Journal of Research in Nursing-Midwifery and Health Sciences, 40(1), 15–29. retrieved from
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