Factors Predicting Preventive Behaviors of Diabetes and Hypertension Among People in Community

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Pavinee Pangsuk
Aurjit Sookpool
Piyanuch Pinyo


          This predictive research aimed to examine preventive behavior levels and factors predicting preventive behaviors of diabetes and hypertension among people in community. Ecological system theory was used as conceptual framework of the study. The samples were 194 healthy people’ aged 35 years old and over who lived in communities at Taswang Sub-district, Naimuang District, Surin Province. Samples were selected using simple random sampling. Data were collected by interview from the questionnaire. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. multiple regression analysis was used to determine factors predicting behaviors of diabetes and hypertension.
          Results showed that 52.1 percent of samples had preventive behaviors at high level. Factors related to preventive behaviors of diabetes and hypertension were knowledge about diabetes and hypertension, social support from relative/neighborhood, health promotion policy perception, perceived of setting, and health promotion devices. Results of multiple regression showed that health promotion policy perception, perceived of setting and health promotion devices, together with knowledge and social support from relative/ neighborhood could explain 21 percent of the variance of preventive behaviors of diabetes and hypertension of people in community. (R2 = .21, F(4,189) = 13.07, p < .001) The results suggest that nurses should providehealth care for people in community by integrating social support, promotion policy perception, place and equipment of health promotion perception into health education for continuous health care behavior.

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How to Cite
Pangsuk, P. ., Sookpool, A. ., & Pinyo, P. . (2020). Factors Predicting Preventive Behaviors of Diabetes and Hypertension Among People in Community. Journal of Research in Nursing-Midwifery and Health Sciences, 40(1), 71–83. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/nur-psu/article/view/240709
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