Effects of a Palliative Care Education Program on Palliative Care Competencies of Registered Nurses in a Community Hospital in Southern Thailand
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This quasi-experimental study was aimed to examine the impact of a palliative care educational program for palliative nursing competencies among registered nurses. Using purposive sampling, 42 participants were recruited. They were divided equally into the intervention group (21 nurses) and the control group (21 nurses). The intervention group received a 5-day palliative care education plus 3 weeks of palliative nursing practice, and the control group received only palliative care education. The study showed that the mean scores of palliative nursing competencies of the intervention group were significantly higher than both the baseline scores (t = 4.70, p < .001) and the scores of the control group (t = 2.27, p < .05). In order to improve palliative care nursing competence, the course must be designed to include not only knowledge based training, but also skill based training.
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