Spiritual Healing of Adolescents with Cancer

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Treetip Klerlhee
Wantanee Wiroonpanich
Busakorn Punthmatharith


          Spirituality is the ability of people to live although they have problems, barriers and life crisis threats. Spirituality is very important for adolescents both in normal health and sickness. Adolescents with strong spirituality will have spiritual well-being. Cancer is a disease that highly threatens to the lives of adolescents. While ill with cancer and undergoing treatment, adolescent patients with cancer will suffer a lot resulting in having spiritual distress. Remedies to improve spiritual well-being are very important for adolescents with cancer because these will be a source of hope and provide strength to accept, adapt, and deal with suffering during the illness. For adolescent cancer, a way to help with spiritual healing is similar to that for adults and elderly. There may be differences that adolescent cancer will focus on doing activities with family and friends, and activities such as using media/online media. However, adolescents with cancer can also use religious dimensions to heal the spiritual side similar to adults and elderly. But access to religious dimensions and bringing religion as an anchor is not yet profound and concrete as among adults and elderly. Therefore, nurses should have understanding and giving importance to spiritual care and spiritual healing for adolescents with cancer. By enhancing knowledge and understanding of patient care in the spiritual dimension, nurses will be able to better care for adolescents with cancer by enabling them to achieve spiritual well-being, which will facilitate the well-being of life and a good quality of life.

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How to Cite
Klerlhee, T. ., Wiroonpanich, W. ., & Punthmatharith, . B. . (2020). Spiritual Healing of Adolescents with Cancer. Journal of Research in Nursing-Midwifery and Health Sciences, 40(2), 163–173. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/nur-psu/article/view/242776


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