Development and Evaluation of the Nursing Therapeutics for Facilitating Patient Transition Program of Patients with Stroke

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Cecep Eli Kosasih
Busakorn Punthmatharith
Umaporn Boonyasopun


     This study aimed to develop and evaluate the nursing therapeutics for facilitating patient’s transition program (NTFPTP). The program was developed based on transition theory. Purposive sampling was used to recruit 42 stroke patients and their family caregivers in Bandung, Indonesia. All instruments were validated by three experts. Reliability values (Chronbach,s alpha) for readiness, role supplementation, and debriefing were .73, .72, and .77 respectively. Reliability values (KR 20) for knowledge of stroke; maintaining adequate hydration and nutrition, and nasogastric tube feeding; catheter care, positioning, mobility and transfers; and the role of caregiver, psychological support, and home preparation were .78, .81, .81, and .70 respectively. Reliability values (KR 20) for skills of nasogastric tube feeding, catheter care, positioning, and mobility were .73, .82, .73, and .88 respectively. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, paired t-test, and Wilcoxon test. The results from a Wilcoxon signed-rank test showed a significant increase in scores on the readiness and debriefing of stroke patients (p < .001). The paired t-test revealed that the overall mean scores of the knowledge of stroke, skills of family caregivers, and role supplementation after receiving the NTFPTP were significantly higher than those of before receiving the NTFPTP (p < .01). The program is suitable for stroke patients and caregivers and it can increase their knowledge, skill, role supplementation and debriefing.

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How to Cite
Eli Kosasih, C. ., Punthmatharith, B. ., & Boonyasopun, U. . (2020). Development and Evaluation of the Nursing Therapeutics for Facilitating Patient Transition Program of Patients with Stroke. Journal of Research in Nursing-Midwifery and Health Sciences, 40(3), 99–115. retrieved from
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