Desirable Characteristics of Nursing Lecturers in Practicum of Basic Nursing Care Course Expected by Second-year Nursing Students, Prince of Songkla University

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Wilawan Christraksa
Pimpanit Pasri
Sarana Suwanruangsri
Phenpitcha Tinkaew


          This descriptive qualitative research aimed to describe the desirable characteristics of nursing lecturers in practicum of basic nursing care course expected by second-year nursing students, Prince of Songkla University. The participants were thirteen nursing students who had studied during the second semester of 2017 academic year which had been taught by 2 nursing lecturers. Data were collected by using indepth interviews from February to May 2017 at Faculty of Nursing, Prince of Songkla University. The research instruments included 2 parts; the demographic data questionnaire and semi-structured interviews. The interviews were audiotape recorded. Demographic data were analyzed by qualitative data were analyzed content analysis method.
          The results revealed the desirable characteristics of the nursing lecturers in 6 aspects: 1) understanding of students’ learning styles; 2) comforting and helping students; 3) being friendly; 4) promoting nursing values; 5) offering a chance for students to improve their competencies in nursing skills; and 6) building good relationships with staff nurses. The findings of this study can guide nursing lecturers to design educational innovations in clinical teaching relevant to the expectation of nursing students and inspire further study of the basic nursing care subject.

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How to Cite
Christraksa, W. ., Pasri, P. ., Suwanruangsri, S. ., & Tinkaew, P. . (2020). Desirable Characteristics of Nursing Lecturers in Practicum of Basic Nursing Care Course Expected by Second-year Nursing Students, Prince of Songkla University. Journal of Research in Nursing-Midwifery and Health Sciences, 40(3), 139–148. retrieved from
Research Articles


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