Development of a Clinical Practice Guideline to Promote, Support, and Protect Breastfeeding for Teenage Mothers

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Sureeporn Kritcharoen
Sasikarn Kala
Warangkana Chatchawet
Sirithai Prugsasri
Chureerat Petchwatcharapaibune


        This developmental research aimed to develop and evaluate the effectiveness of clinical practice guideline to promote, support, and protect breastfeeding for teenage mothers. The committee consisted of expert 11 persons to develop clinical practice guideline (CPG). The content validity index (CVI) was tested by 5 experts. The reliability was tested by six nurses who evaluated the feasibility of the clinical guideline into practice including the difficulty and simplicity. Eight nurses evaluated the satisfaction, problems, and obstacles of using the clinical guideline. Twenty four teenage mothers evaluated the satisfaction of receiving care from the clinical guideline. The CPG has S-CVI 0.95 and has a high reliability with Pearson product moment correlation of 0.90. The guideline consisted of contents sustaining to promote, support, and protect breastfeeding for teenage mothers in 4 stages of post partum at 2-24 hours, 24-72 hours, 72 hours-7 days, and 1-4 weeks. Nurses pointed that the most easily practiced was the guideline at 24-72 hours of post partum. The nurses and teenage mothers were satisfied with this guideline at a highest level (M = 8.09, SD = .82 and M = 8.38, SD = 1.33 respectively). The problem and obstacle to implement this guideline into practice is, a few part of it unsuitable in the real context. This CPG confirms high validity and reliability. The nurses who used it and the teenage mothers who received care under the guideline experienced the highest satisfaction. This guideline should be used for benefits of sustaining to promote, support, and protect breastfeeding for teenage mothers.

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How to Cite
Kritcharoen, S., Kala, S., Chatchawet, W. ., Prugsasri, S. ., & Petchwatcharapaibune, C. . (2020). Development of a Clinical Practice Guideline to Promote, Support, and Protect Breastfeeding for Teenage Mothers. Journal of Research in Nursing-Midwifery and Health Sciences, 40(4), 85–96. retrieved from
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