The Development of Gratitude-Promoting Program for Nursing Students: A pilot study

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Pimpanit Pasri
Sarana Suwanruangsri
Kanokwan Hounsri
Karnsunaphat Balthip
Umaporn Boonyasopun


Objective: This study, research and development, aimed to develop a Gratitude-promoting program for nursing students. Methods: The program was developed in two stages. The first stage of the development involved three steps: 1) an analysis of existing knowledge and problems in nursing students 2) a search on and appraisal of empirical evidences and 3) the development of gratitude-promoting activities through synthesized empirical evidence. The second stage examined the content validity and feasibility. Results: The developed program comprised two components: 1) a gratitude-promoting manual for nursing students and 2) a daily diary. The gratitude-promoting program had four stages: 1) preparation stage, 2) implementing stage including four component activities: (1) enhance gratitude to one’s self, by pictures that represent oneself (2) enhance gratitude to their parents, teachers, and benefactors. by writing a letter to someone I love, (3) enhance gratitude to their peers by sharing impressive stories about friends and (4) enhance gratitude to patient, by sharing experiences with impressions about patients. 3) the follow-up stage, and 4) the evaluation stage. Discussion: The content validity of the program was evaluated by three experts as being accurate and appropriate. In terms of feasibility with 10 nursing students, most students suggested that the program was practical to use in the context of nursing students. However, the content and medias of this manual should be specifically for nursing students. Further experimental research is needed to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the program in larger target subjects.

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How to Cite
Pasri, P. ., Suwanruangsri, S. ., Hounsri, K. ., Balthip, K. ., & Boonyasopun, U. . (2021). The Development of Gratitude-Promoting Program for Nursing Students: A pilot study. Journal of Research in Nursing-Midwifery and Health Sciences, 41(3), 13–23. retrieved from
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