The Process of Enhancing the Harmony Life of Teenage Pregnant Women: Having a Complete Life and Being Self-Reliance

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Sarana Suwanruangsri
Sopen Chunuan
Karnsunaphat Balthip
Jitranan Kultanan
Shutiwan Purinthrapibal


Objective: The aim in this grounded theory inquiry was to describe the process of enhancing the harmony in life of teenage pregnant women. Methods: Data collection using in-depth interviews and non-participant observations were undertaken, for 12 months. Participants were recruited into the study by purposive sampling from 13 teenage pregnancies receiving antenatal clinics from two hospitals in Songkhla province. The data analysis was guided by Strauss and Corbin’s grounded theory. Results: The results revealed that the process of enhancing the harmony in life of teenage pregnant women is based on the core category of “Having a complete life and being self-reliance”. It consists of three key elements: 1) conditional factors; wanting to have complete family, wanting to have a good future, and having a responsible partner 2) methods/strategies used in dealing with situations; intending to earn money, attending of having higher education, saving money for the baby, and planning for the next pregnancy and 3) consequences; being selfreliance, feeling secure, and having complete family. Discussion: The findings provided a guide for health
professionals to develop nursing program to enhance harmony in life of teenage pregnancy including planning for the quality of further pregnancy.

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How to Cite
Suwanruangsri, S., Chunuan, S. ., Balthip, K. ., Kultanan, J. ., & Purinthrapibal, S. . (2021). The Process of Enhancing the Harmony Life of Teenage Pregnant Women: Having a Complete Life and Being Self-Reliance. Journal of Research in Nursing-Midwifery and Health Sciences, 41(2), 26–36. retrieved from
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