The Influence of Head Nurses’ Safety Preparedness on Registered Nurses’ Readiness in Caring for Referred-Back Patients with Antimicrobial Resistance, Community Hospitals, Southern Thailand

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Tanyalux Srisuwan
Pratyanan Thiangchanya
Pramot Thongsuk
Katekanok Kamonmarttayakul


Objective: This study examined the level of head nurses’ safety preparedness and registered nurses’ readiness in caring for referred-back patients with Antimicrobial Resistance, community hospitals, southern Thailand and the influence of head nurses’ safety preparedness on registered nurses’ readiness in caring for referred-back patients with Antimicrobial Resistance, community hospitals, southern Thailand. Method: The sample comprised 170 registered nurses working in the inpatient department in community hospital. For reliability questionnaires covered three parts: 1) general information, 2) head nurses’safety preparedness, and 3) registered nurses’ readiness in caring for referred-back patients with Antimicrobial Resistance. Content validity of questionnaires 2 and 3 was yielding at 0.97, 0.91 respectively. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was.98,.97, respectively. Results: The overall of head nurses’safety preparedness and registered nurses’ readiness in caring for referred-back patients with antimicrobial resistance were at a good level (M = 3.59, SD = .86), (Median = 3.85, IQR = .89) respectively. The correlation between head nurses’ safety preparedness and registered nurses’ readiness in caring for referred-back patients with antimicrobial resistance showed a high positive correlation (rs = .76, p < .01). Head nurses’ encouraging registered nurses’ engagement in work and performance evaluation significantly explained 60.60% of variance of registered nurses’ readiness in caring for referred-back patients (R2= .606, p < .01). Conclusion: Nurse administrators can apply this result to enhance registered nurses in providing care for referred-back patients with antimicrobial resistance.

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How to Cite
Srisuwan, T. ., Thiangchanya, P. ., Thongsuk, P. ., & Kamonmarttayakul, K. . (2022). The Influence of Head Nurses’ Safety Preparedness on Registered Nurses’ Readiness in Caring for Referred-Back Patients with Antimicrobial Resistance, Community Hospitals, Southern Thailand. Journal of Research in Nursing-Midwifery and Health Sciences, 42(2), 121–135. retrieved from
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