Factors Related to Purpose in Life Among Young Male Offenders with a History of Alcohol Use at the Juvenile Detention Center, Southern Thailand.
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Objective: This descriptive research was intended to study the level of and factors related to the purpose in life (PIL) among young male offenders with a history of alcohol use at the Juvenile Detention Center, Southern Thailand. Methods: Eighty-seven participants were recruited through purposive sampling based on inclusion criteria. The instruments consisted of 1) demographic data, and 2) the Purpose in Life for Thai Adolescents (PILTA) scale. The PILTA had content validity = .80 and was tested for reliability with 30 young offenders using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient, which yielded a value of 0.92. The data were analyzed using an independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, Welch test, and Kruskal Wallis Test. Results: The results showed that the mean score of PIL is high (M = 249.33, SD = 19.66). When analyzing the relationship of demographic data to PIL, it showed that the type of offense committed was the only factor that was significantly associated with PIL among juvenile delinquents (p < .001). The number of times detained at juvenile detention center was marginally significantly associated with PIL (p = .051). When analyzing the difference in PIL scores in each dimension, it was found that the type of offense committed was associated the PIL in all dimensions (p < .05). Family income was related to the self-belief dimension (p = .032). Having savings was related to meaning of life dimension (p = .038), and the main occupation of
the parent was associated with the goal orientation dimension (p = .021). Conclusion: This study found that
the type of offense committed, and the number of times detained at Juvenile Detention Center were related
to the level of PIL. Therefore. the Juvenile Detention Center should have a program that promotes PIL for
these youths to prevent recidivism and to have a good quality of life.
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