The Effect of Using Nursing Model Web Application for Patients with Chest and Abdominal Trauma Having Emergency Severity Index Levels I and II with Shock on Selected Outcomes
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Objective: This quasi-experimental research aimed to compare the effect of using the nursing model for chest/abdominal injuries on the web-based application system in the accident and emergency department of a secondary hospital in Mukdahan Province. Method: Participants were patients with chest/abdominal injuries, and were divided into two groups. Each group consisted of 30 patients. The experimental group received the web-applicable nursing model and the control group received usual nursing care. The patient outcomes were evaluated, including body temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate, systolic blood pressure, shock index, oxygen saturation and level of consciousness. The outcomes of using web-based application by 30 nurses were also examined. Data were collected from February 2022 to April 2022. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and independent t-test Result: The results showed that there were statistically significant differences in body temperature, systolic blood pressure and shock index between the two groups (p < .05). For nursing outcome, an average duration of nursing activities in control group was 143.57 minutes (SD = 39.28), and in experimental group was 117.13 minutes (SD = 63.88), which less than control group. Overall, the satisfaction and feasibility level on using the web-based application were at a high level; mean = 4.37 (SD = .60) and mean = 4.30 (SD = .59), respectively. Conclusion: Nursing care for patients with
chest/abdominal injuries on web-based application help nurses to provide care step by step. It is convenient, and could be used as a nursing record for patients’ information, and nursing activities. Web-based application could be used as a basis information in injured patients.
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