The Process of Enhancing the Harmony in Life of Youths When Facing the COVID-19 Pandemic

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Sarana Suwanruangsri
Palida Nudla
Karnsunaphat Balthip
Sirimas Phoomchaiya
Pattaraporn Kitrenu
Tanika Lanwong


Objective: The aim of this grounded theory study was to describe the process of enhancing the harmony in life of youths when facing the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: Data collection using in-depth interviews and non-participant observations were undertaken for 7 months. Thirty-two participants were recruited by purposive sampling. The data analysis was guided by Strauss and Corbin’s grounded theory. Results: The results showed the core category of “Being a better person” which reflected the process of enhancing harmony in life of youths facing the COVID-19 pandemic, was comprised of three categories. Category 1, the conditions, these conditions were composed of four sub-categories: 1.1) recognizing that COVID -19 is a situation that requires adaptation, 1.2) having a purpose in life that leads to commitment, 1.3) accepting the limitations, and 1.4) having the life asset and supportive resources. Category 2, the strategies, the strategies used by participants to enhance the harmony in their lives during the COVID-19 pandemic were composed of four sub-categories: 2.1) changing behavior and lifestyle to avoid getting infected with COVID-19, 2.2) changing the way to interact and communicate, 2.3) seeking opportunities and creating new options for life, and 2.4) prioritizing the important things in life and do not postpone to do a thing. Category 3, the consequences, the consequences to the lives of the participants were composed of four sub-categories: 3.1) having better health through taking good care of oneself, 3.2) having a good relationship among family members, 3.3) feeling proud from helping the family, and 3.4) having self-reflection and discovering the purpose in life. Conclusion: The findings of this study can use as a guideline for promoting the development of youth care model by encouraging positive conditional and supporting the implementation of various strategies for achieve harmony in life.

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How to Cite
Suwanruangsri, S. ., Nudla, P. ., Balthip, K. ., Phoomchaiya, S. ., Kitrenu, P. ., & Lanwong, T. . (2023). The Process of Enhancing the Harmony in Life of Youths When Facing the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Research in Nursing-Midwifery and Health Sciences, 43(2), 68–83. retrieved from
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