Factors Associated with Environmental Health Literacy and Prevention Behavior of PM 2.5 for Pre-school Children among Guardians in Childcare Center
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Objectives: The objectives were to investigate environmental health literacy, and PM 2.5 prevention behavior for pre-school children of the Guardians in childcare centers, and to investigate the relationship among the associated factors. Method: The analytical cross-sectional study. Data was conducted in 370 guardians of pre-school children who attended childcare centers in Phayao province between September and December 2021 by using the modified questionnaires with psychometric testing approved. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and correlation analysis using Spearman’s correlation coefficient. Results: The environmental health literacy and PM 2.5 prevention behavior of preschool children of guardians were at a moderate level ( = 3.49, SD = .66, and
= 3.50, SD = .75, respectively). The environmental health literacy was positively correlated with the caregiver’s education level (rsp =.399, p <.001). However, environmental health literacy was negatively correlation with guardians’ age and the children’s health status (rsp = -.271, p < .001 and rsp = -.128, p < .05, respectively). In addition, it was found that the PM 2.5 prevention behavior for pre-school children of guardians was positively correlated with environmental health literacy and guardians’ educational level (rsp = .593 and .256, p < .001, respectively). However, PM 2.5 prevention behavior for pre-school children of guardians was negatively correlated with the health status of children and guardians (rsp = -.143, p < .01 and rsp = -.118, p < .05, respectively). Conclusion: The results of this study confirmed the positive relationship between environmental health literacy among guardians and their prevention behaviors of PM 2.5 in pre-school children. Therefore, guidelines for enhancing skills by improving environmental health literacy should be developed for guardians to be able to take proper precautions and protect their children from the effects of PM 2.5.
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