Development of Simulation-Based Learning in Child Health Nursing for Bachelor of Nursing Students

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Kaewkarn Sueram
Prakaikaew Siripoon
Chalida Thanatthreerakul
Atchariya Wonginchan
Nunarin Teekaviwat
Juraporn Tangpukdee
Phawantree Ponyiem


Objectives: The objectives of this research and development were 1) to develop simulation-based learning in Child Health Nursing Practice II, 2) to investigate the students’ satisfaction on simulation-based learning through the use of simulation scenarios, and 3) to examine the self-confidence of the students on simulation-based learning through the use of simulation scenarios. Methods: The sample consisted of 78 fourth-year nursing students. The research tools were simulation scenarios in pediatric nursing. The research instruments, including a questionnaire on student satisfaction in learning through simulation scenarios, and a questionnaire on self-confidence of students in learning through simulation scenarios. The Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficients for the questionnaires were .81 and .72, respectively. Data analysis was conducted using descriptive statistics. Results: 1) Five simulation scenarios in pediatric nursing were developed. 2) The overall average satisfaction score of students in learning through simulation scenarios was at a high level (M = 4.17, SD = .66). 3) The overall average self-confidence score of students in learning through simulation scenarios was also at a high level (M = 4.20, SD = .62). Conclusion: Learning through realistic simulation scenarios has resulted in high levels of student satisfaction and self-confidence in learning through simulation scenarios. This approach serves as a preparation for students before practicing.

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How to Cite
Sueram, K. ., Siripoon, P. ., Thanatthreerakul, C. ., Wonginchan, A. ., Teekaviwat, N. ., Tangpukdee, J. ., & Ponyiem, P. . (2023). Development of Simulation-Based Learning in Child Health Nursing for Bachelor of Nursing Students. Journal of Research in Nursing-Midwifery and Health Sciences, 43(3), 53–66. retrieved from
Research Articles


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