Postpartum Mothers with Breast Engorgement: Prevention and Caring

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Nopparat Tharana
Yaowares Somsap


Introduction: Breast engorgement, a condition where milk production exceeds its removal after lactation is established, can affect mothers at any point during lactation, leading to discomfort. This discomfort may prompt mothers to cease breastfeeding in favor of formula feeding, even though understanding the superior benefits of breast milk for their infants. Addressing breast engorgement effectively is thus crucial. Therefore, it is very important. Midwives, who are the primary caregivers, need to have knowledge about milk production and lactation, factors related to breast engorgement, assessment, preventing breast engorgement and solving the problem of breast engorgement with massage, hot compress, and cold compress. It can relieve the mother’s discomfort contributing to promoting the opportunity for infants to receive continuous breast milk. Conclusion: Midwives have responsibility in protecting, promoting, and supporting breastfeeding to gain deep understanding about breast engorgement. Therefore, it can be used as a solution to solve the breast engorgement problems of the postpartum mothers.

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How to Cite
Tharana, N. ., & Somsap, Y. . (2024). Postpartum Mothers with Breast Engorgement: Prevention and Caring. Journal of Research in Nursing-Midwifery and Health Sciences, 44(1), 103–111. retrieved from


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