The effect of self-efficacy program toward knowledge and self-efficacy of village health volunteers in diabetic and hypertention patient care in community in Northeast Province

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Pavinee Prombutr
Aurjit Sookpool
Kittipoom Phinyo
Piyanooch Phinyo


This research aims to study the effect of self-efficacy program toward knowledge and self-efficacy of village health volunteers in diabetic and hypertension patient care in community in Northeast Province. A Quasi-Experimental Research (One Group Pretest-Posttest Design). The case study involved with 30 village health volunteers. Use simple random sampling and participate in the self-efficacy program.  The research setting was occurred during July to August 2013. The instruments use in the self-efficacy program and  diabetic and  hypertension patient care in community book.  The data collection instrument was the knowledge and Self – efficacy  questionnaires and focus group.  The data analysis using descriptive statistics and Paired t-test.

                The research result showed that after the experiment done, the village health volunteers gained more knowledge and self-efficacy in diabetic and hypertension patient care in community than before with the statistical significance as p<.001. The research result showed that most subjects (village health volunteers) were female (as 76.7%) aged between 41-50 years (as 63.3%). Their working hours were 25-48 months or over 120 months (as 23.3%).  After the experiment done, the village health volunteers gained more knowledge and self-efficacy in diabetic and hypertension patient care in community than before with the statistical significance as p<.001.The recommendation of this research includes the development on self-efficacy and knowledge of village health volunteers should be done together aiming to enhance self-development and self-confidence to provide chronic patient care with good holistic health and sustainability in the community.

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How to Cite
Prombutr, P., Sookpool, A., Phinyo, K., & Phinyo, P. (2015). The effect of self-efficacy program toward knowledge and self-efficacy of village health volunteers in diabetic and hypertention patient care in community in Northeast Province. Journal of Research in Nursing-Midwifery and Health Sciences, 35(2), 113–128. retrieved from
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