Developing a Model for Enhancing the Goodness , Smartness and Happiness of Thai Primary School Students in Songkhla Province: A Participation Action Research Study

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Siriwan Piriyakoontorn
Karnsunaphat Balthip
Usanee Petchruschatachart
Naruemon Tiraphat


               This action research used a technical collaborative approach aimed to develop a model for enhancing the goodness, smartness and happiness of Thai primary school children. The participants were divided into two groups. The first group was 38 Thai Primary school students (Grade 6) selected by purposive sampling method. The data were collected using focus groups, discussion, in-depth interviews, journal writing and field notes. The second group was 8 primary teachers. The data were collected using focus group discussions. Data collection took place from February 2014 - January 2015. The general information data were analyzed using frequency, percentage and mean. The data for the model development were analyzed using the Strauss & Corbin method.

                The results of the study showed that the model could be divided into 4 stages: (1) building relationships, (2) exploring the phenomena, (3) implementing and reflecting, and (4) evaluation. The implementing and reflecting stage comprised of 3 steps: (1) promoting knowledge and understanding emotional intelligence - goodness, smartness and happiness, (2) enhancing students’ smartness and (3) enhancing students’ goodness. The promoting of happiness was integrated in the smartness, goodness activities and recreational activities. In addition, this stage also comprised of 8 activities:  (1) understanding the meaning of being good, smart and happy (2) setting up life goals (3) inspiring and motivating the desire to be good and grateful (4) practicing meditation and emotion control, being moral  and having mercy, understanding others, having gratitude, responsibility and sufficient economic principles (5) building commitment (6) practicing  planning, recording, and self-evaluation, (7) reinforcement, and (8) using recreational activities to enhance students’ goodness, smartness, and happiness scores and satisfaction.

                The findings can be used to guide stakeholders in particular school nurses, school directors,  and teachers in the practice of setting up life goals, planning, making plans and self-evaluation in order  to promote the goodness smartness, and happiness of Thai primary school students.

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How to Cite
Piriyakoontorn, S., Balthip, K., Petchruschatachart, U., & Tiraphat, N. (2016). Developing a Model for Enhancing the Goodness , Smartness and Happiness of Thai Primary School Students in Songkhla Province: A Participation Action Research Study. Journal of Research in Nursing-Midwifery and Health Sciences, 36(3), 150–171. retrieved from
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