Reducing the Risk of Hypertension: The Important Role of Nurses in Empowering Clients

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Mongkol Karoonngamphan
Sudarat Suvaree


            Hypertension is a chronic, asymptomatic progressive disease, and a leading cause of many complications. Primary hypertension, also known as idiopathic hypertension, is associated with non-modifiable risk factors and modifiable risk factors. People with risk of hypertension should recognized their own risk, get educated about hypertension for lifestyle modification, using an empowerment-based intervention. Nurses play vital role in empowering individuals by following actions; measuring blood pressure, providing information to clients, educating about hypertension and lifestyle modification guidelines, providing opportunities for clients to share experiences with others, evaluating client’s health behaviors and giving advice. These activities may help clients to be aware of their potential and strengths enhancing self-confidence for sustainable healthy behavioral change.

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How to Cite
Karoonngamphan, M., & Suvaree, S. (2016). Reducing the Risk of Hypertension: The Important Role of Nurses in Empowering Clients. Journal of Research in Nursing-Midwifery and Health Sciences, 36(3), 222–233. retrieved from