The Development of Internet-Based Dietary Self-Monitoring Program for Overnutrition Adolescents

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Palida Nudla
Piyanuch Jittanoon
Karnsunaphat Balthip


          This developmental research aimed to develop an internet-based dietary self-monitoring program for over- nutrition adolescents based on the self-monitoring concept of Kanfer and Gaelick-Buys1 with an internet-based concept and a review of evidence. The development was divided into 2 phases, comprising the component development and the feasibility testing.

          The internet-based dietary self-monitoring program involved interactive learning consisting of 2 parts: the self-learning of management of overweight self-recording of dietary behavior. The activities were divided into 4 steps:
1) assessment of dietary behavior, nutrition status and the target weight loss, 2) observation and recording of dietary behavior every day via the internet, 3) following and providing consultation on how to lose weight everyday via the internet by the researcher and 4) evaluation of the dietary behavior record and nutritional status. The content validity of the program was evaluated by 3 experts as being accurate and appropriate. Moreover, pre-testing with overnutrition adolescents confirm the program was simple and convenient. The internet-based dietary self-monitoring program can be used effectively if used consistently. The efficiency and effectiveness of the program should be tested with a larger sample and using an experimental study design.

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How to Cite
Nudla, P., Jittanoon, P., & Balthip, K. (2016). The Development of Internet-Based Dietary Self-Monitoring Program for Overnutrition Adolescents. Journal of Research in Nursing-Midwifery and Health Sciences, 36(4), 70–84. retrieved from
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