Nurses’ Perception on Patient Safety Culture in a Tertiary Hospital in Bangkok

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โสพรรณ โพทะยะ


Background: Patient safety is a significant outcome and it is an indicator of the hospital quality. Patient safety culture is the process focus on prevention and reduction risk of adverse events resulting harm to patients.

Objective: The purpose of this descriptive study was to survey patient safety culture and to compare perception on patient safety culture between executives and staff nurses in a tertiary hospital in Bangkok.

Materials and methods: The subject was 664 nurses who had one or more years of experience. The questionnaire was the Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture (HSPSC) of Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). The reliability was 0.84. Descriptive data were analyzed in terms of frequency, percentage, standard deviation and t-test.

Results: The results revealed that the overall means of patient safety culture perceived by nurses were at a high level (X=3.74, SD=0.32). When considering each dimension, it was revealed that 9 dimensions were at a high level. The top three high levels were teamwork within units, organizational learning–continuous improvement, and supervisor/manager expectations & actions promoting patient safety were 4.27 (SD=0.48), 4.11 (SD=0.42) and 4.09 (SD=0.51) respectively. The lowest level was non-punitive response to errors (X = 3.06, SD = 0.85).  

The patient safety culture of executive nurses had a statistically significant higher mean of overall score of patient safety culture than staff nurses (p=.006). And the patient safety culture of executive nurses had a statistically significant higher mean of 7 from 12 dimensions of patient safety culture than staff nurses. The level of overall grade on patient safety perceived by nurses was very good (67.8%). In the past 12 months, 24.1 % of nurses filled out and submitted more than 20 event reports.

Conclusion: The findings suggest that nurse administrators should develop and enhance patient safety culture in organization in order to increase quality of the hospital. 

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Original Articles


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