Nonpharmacological Pain Management Methods of Mothers During the First Stage of Labor

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สุฑารัตน์ ชูรส


Pain in labor is pain that all mothers giving birth is unavoidable because it is a symptom that occurs naturally from the contraction of the uterus. In order to propel the fetal, placenta and placenta membranes from the uterus. Motherhood Maternity has been suffering from pain in all phases of delivery. The first stage of labor is the longest distance compared to other means of delivery. Pain causes stress may result in babies with oxygen deficiency, so the first stage of pain management method is important. Only medication for pain may not be enough. And also due to the side effects of medications on mothers and babies. So how to reduce the pain without drugs is important. This relieves pain without drugs techniques are often discussed and put into practice. 1. Relaxation 2. Cutaneous stimulation 3. Mental stimulation 4. Breathing.  This will depend on the pains and needs of each individual. It may take several methods. This article aims to give readers a way to nonpharmacological pain management methods of mothers during the first stage of labor. And understand manage pain. And can help mothers give birth safely.

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Review Article


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