Effects of Simulation-Based on Scores of Knowledge related to Elementary Flight Nurse among Nurse Instructors, Royal Thai Air Force Nursing College

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วัชราภรณ์ เปาโรหิตย์
ตรีณา กฤษณสุวรรณ


Objective: The objective was to examine the effect of Simulation-Based used on the Scores of Knowledge related to Elementary Flight Nurse among Nurse Instructors, Royal Thai Air Force Nursing College.

Materials and methods: This research was a quasi-experiment research design. Samples were 30 Nurse Instructors. Pre-test related to knowledge of Elementary Flight Nurse was done and post -test after simulation-Based used which involved adult nursing, paediatrics nursing, psychiatric nursing and pregnant women was examined. Research instrument was examination questions with 40 items which were verified content validity by 3 senior flight nurses. Reliability was calculated by KR-20 = 0.61. Data were analyzed by arithmetic mean and t-test.  

Results: The results showed that the average scores of knowledge related to Elementary Flight Nurse pre-test before Simulation base used was x = 22.4, post -test after simulation-Based used x= 35.23. It was found scores of knowledge after simulation-based used statistically significant higher than before simulation-based used at 0.05 level (t= 13.46, p< 0.05). The research result revealed Conclusion: Simulation-Based used affected on the development of knowledge related Elementary Flight to the nurse instructors.

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