Effect of Self-management Program on Diabetes Control Behaviors and Fasting Plasma Glucose level in the New Cases of Insulin Therapy, Bhumibol Adulyadej Hospital, Royal Thai Air Force

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สายพิณ ปิ่นแก้ว


Objective: To study the effects of self -management program on diabetes control behaviors and fasting plasma glucose level in the new cases of insulin therapy, Bhumibol Adulyadej Hospital, Royal Thai Air Force.

Materials and methods: Research samples were 30 type 2 diabetes patients who started insulin injection. 15 patients in experimental group was taught insulin using with self-management program by researcher who was diabetes nurse case manager. 15 patients in control group was taught insulin using normally by registered nurses in medical outpatient clinic, official out patient service and health education service. Group matched by the same insulin type and no more than 4 units/day different of insulin dose started. Fasting plasma glucose follow up on 8-16 weeks after insulin started. The research instruments included self-management program, safety and effectively insulin started teaching plan, blood glucose meter and follow up record. Collected instruments were general data and diabetes control behavior questionnaire.  All research instruments were tested for content validity by a panel of three experts. The reliability of diabetes control behavior questionnaire was tested by Cronbach’ alpha coefficient which were .796, respectively. All data were analyzed by percentage, mean, standard deviation and t-test.


          1.Diabetes control behavior in the new case of insulin therapy who received self-management program was no statistically significant higher than who did not receive self-management program, at the 0.5 level.

          2.Fasting Plasma Glucose level in the new case of insulin therapy who received self-management program was statistically significant lower than who did not receive self-management program, at the 0.5 level.

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