Knowledge Integration for Development toward National Strategy Thailand 4.0

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Jiraporn Srisil


Objective : The study of Knowledge Integration for Development toward National Strategy Thailand 4.0 aims to 1) analyze the circumstanced factors of the Knowledge Integration for Development toward National Strategy Thailand 4.0 Implementation of the School of Management and Information Sciences, University of Phayao. 2) Evaluate the participants’ knowledge and skills of the Knowledge Integration For Development Toward National Strategy Thailand 4.0 Implementation of the School of Management and Information Sciences, University of Phayao. And 3) suggest the guidelines of the Integration for Development toward National Strategy Thailand 4.0.

Material and methods : The questionnaire were distributed to all 120 participants. After that, focus on group of 8 participants giving key information according to the objectives of the research.

Results : 1) There are 7 modules of knowledge, content and activities and there are also 5 circumstanced factors of learning the Knowledge Integration for Development toward National Strategy Thailand 4.0 Implementation of the School of Management and Information Sciences, University of Phayao. 2) The overview of knowledge and skills evaluation of participants after attending to all 7 modules achieves the highest level as the result of conducting by themselves. Moreover, they have positive attitude and understand the development process to be sustainable from self – development and public – development resolution commitment activities and 3) the proposals for the Knowledge Integration for Development toward National Strategy Thailand 4.0 Implementation were as follows: 1) arranging the meeting in advance for budget and location considerations. 2) Applying the research results and teaching according to the mission of the university and 3) providing a learning environment to develop teaching and learning processes to cover all aspects.

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