Collaborations between the Royal Thai Air Force Nursing College and Health Care Seting for Nursing Practice Training of the Air Force Student Nurses

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Watcharaporn Paorohit, PhD, RN,
Renu Pookboonmee, PhD, RN.
Chanita Amornratanathada, M.N.S, RN.
Thipkasorn Wannaphak, M.N.S, RN.


Objective : The objective was to investigate the characteristic of the collaborations between the Royal Thai Air Force Nursing College and health care setting for nursing practice training of the Air Force Student Nurses.

Material and method : This research was a qualitative research design. Participants were 15 nurse

instructors and administrators, Royal Thai Air Force Nursing College and 28 staff nurses and nurse

administrators at health care setting. Structure interview of 7 Dimensions of collaboration designed

by Travis was used for focus group and in-depth interview. Trustworthiness was done by Lincon and Guba method.  Data were analyzed by content analysis.

Results : The revealed focus of collaborations between the Royal Thai Air Force Nursing College and health care setting were shown as a routine work which carried out from the past until present. The structure of collaboration was   the coordinators cooperated at all levels of the settings. The process of collaboration was done by determine objectives of nursing practices training. The outcome of collaborations was self

development and knowledge exchange among nurse instructors and staff nurses.  Actors of collaborations were conducted by position and job assignment. Formalization was academic mutual development and followed regulations of the health care settings. Resources in the setting were reasonable used and

supporting each other. Focus of power depended on ward objectives that allowed the students to practice nursing and the decision making was done by administrators.  Focus of Control was under professional standard. The goal of collaboration was skill development of the nurse instructors and staff nurses and enhance mutual benefit.

Conclusion :  The collaborations between the Royal Thai Air Force Nursing College and health care setting for nursing practice training of the Air Force Student Nurses could motivate the professional nursing development. The collaboration took place at all levels and the focus of control emphasized on the standard of practice.

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Original Articles


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